26 November 2018

From the Deputy Head of Junior School

Year 5 and Year 12 Leadership School Lunch Programme

A strong partnership has been established between Scotch College and Maddington Primary School owing to the School Lunch Programme. Each fortnight, Scotch College Senior School Houses send approximately 50 lunches to the primary school, to support students who often arrive without provisions for the day. This relationship was established as part of the school lunch programme which was initiated over the last few years and because of the immediate success of the first donation and lunch making session, it was decided by the Senior School Leadership Groups to make this an ongoing exercise.

The Junior School is fortunate to be included in one sandwich making session in Semester 1 and another in Semester 2. As such on Monday 5 November, the new Year 12 Leadership Team met with the Year 5 Specialist and House Captains and made sandwiches together.

Aside from the 50 lunches being made, there was such a healthy 'buzz' between the older and younger boys. Conversations were flowing as boys from the Junior School and Senior School shared their leadership responsibilities, standing side by side as they worked to create. These conversations only stopped as the groups started to chant and coax each other on, in the true spirit that thrives here at the College.

After the activities drew to a close and the last sandwich was placed into the box ready for delivery, it was obvious what else had been gained in addition to the packed lunches. New found friends, a lovely connection from Junior School to Senior School, and the obvious care that the senior boys showed were a powerful reward from such a simple task as making up a lunch bag full of goodies.

To Harry Gilchrist and the Year 12 leadership group, we cannot thank you enough for allowing the Junior School to join in with this ongoing endeavour. We appreciate the time and organization that this project takes and are very grateful for the connection and link to the Senior School we gain as a healthy byproduct of this wonderful programme.


Miss Penny Hooper
Deputy Head of Junior School
Administration and Pastoral Care